The Power Of a Story

  Leslie shares the importance of having and sharing great stories. They get people’s attention, keep their attention and fhelp connect the dots. She explains the strategy of collecting stories and keeping them until it’s just the right time to...
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Dealing With a Force Of Nature

Leslie discusses what exactly a “force of nature” is, and how to work with somebody that has this personality type. Tips to do this include asking them questions to keep them accountable, looking past the messenger that bosses often use...
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Helping CEO’s To Communicate Effectively

  Leslie explains that communication has many spokes to it. Some CEO’s are effective in some situations and not others. CEO’s must have a vision, communicate that vision and obtain “buy-in”. She provides examples of how she has helped clients...
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Lessons We Can Learn From Celebrities

Leslie explains that everything in your speech should be there for a reason. She compares it to movies, in which every scene or thing said, is important to convey the message. Make sure you EDIT!

Presentation Secrets

  Leslie shares three tips to create a great presentation. These include, using a script, giving the audience more, and it’s ok that the process is not easy.

Making A Speech Memorable

Leslie explains that having a great line or doing something out of the ordinary can create your magical moment so that you are memorable.

Overcoming Brain Freeze

Leslie approaches the uncomfortable feeling we get before we present in front of a crowd. She explains that butterflies in your stomach are normal, and she gives us three ways to help overcome them. Deep breathing is first, counting backwards...
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Should You Memorize Your Speech

Leslie shares tips on how to give a successful speech as an amateur speaker. She recommends that you DO NOT memorize your speech.

The Importance Of Asking Questions

Leslie stresses the importance (especially from women) on asking questions. When you ask questions, it gives you visibility and visibility gives you viability.