A Sport’s Fan YES, a Brown’s fan NOT SO MUCH

I used to be a huge Brown’s fan. As I have often confessed, my first two cars were orange and brown . . . . on purpose. And those are not pretty colors for a car.

It was mostly the strikes that did me in over the years. That and letting Brian Sipe go, Bernie and the diminishing skills press conference, etcetera etcetera etcetera.

I do listen to sports radio ALL day even though I am not what anyone would call a Brown’s fan. I wish them well, but over and over they make bad decisions that people in business could not make and survive.

After the loss to the Steeler’s, a guy at my coffee gas station, was waxing fanatic about how good the Brown’s looked. I listened to Cleveland radio and you would have thought they had won not only the game, but the Super Bowl.

It’s not that I hate the Browns. I hate calling mediocre anything but mediocre.

After the Raven’s loss, I listened to Cleveland radio. One of the morning hosts confessed that perhaps he had been too positive about the game last week; perhaps it was not as close as he made it sound.

My guy at the gas station tried to spin the boring debacle. The migraine that claimed the quarterback he blamed for another yawner of a game. If the Browns front office had taken Carson Wentz 18 months ago, we wouldn’t have a starting QB that made it through, oh yeah, less than a quarter. I am not being cruel, I am being realistic.

Hue Jackson is not calling plays that this team, the youngest in the league with a 20 year old QB, can do. You have to know the strengths of your team, not what you want them to be.

You also have to know your strengths. He got a better – I guess- defensive coach and he gets kudos for looking in the honest mirror and seeing that move was needed. I don’t know whether Hue is a good coach or not. Perhaps he is not good at play calling on the sidelines. Perhaps he needs to look for someone that can do that job better.

BTW- Kyrie, you are professional-it’s not about the journey it is about the win.

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