Thank You Gale.

I don’t want this to be a eulogy. I would rather it be a thank you. As a coach, some clients come and go in my professional life. While others come and stay for a while, short or long. I...
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How 21st Century are You?

The charging stations of the 21st century are like the playgrounds of the 20th century. Adults hovering around: sometimes feigning interest in other adults and other times exhibiting more interest in inanimate objects like books and phones. When you think...
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Where was Patriotism on the 4th of July?

I channel surfed and channel surfed. I Googled and surfed technologically. I couldn’t find any movie or documentary about the Revolutionary War on the 4th of July. My quest started earlier that week-end. Surely on Saturday or Sunday The Patriot...
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A 2016 Consequence of Breaking My Rules

I have developed my 50+ Rules of Communication. Rule #1 is that there are rules. Rule #2 is that there are consequences for breaking the rules. The Rules of Communication apply to ALL communication and that includes presidential primaries as...
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