Can You Model Robin@NYC?

When my dad had his first open heart surgery, I became aware of a phenomenon. If I said, “my dad had double bypass surgery”, the response I would often get was, “my mom had triple bypass”.

If I said, “my dad had triple bypass”, the response I would get was,

“my uncle had quadruple bypass”.

Whether it is consecutive weeks on the Peloton or number of rides, I rarely share the info. I know that there are many out there that have more consecutive weeks and more rides. My 100 week record would be dwarfed by your 200 weeks, my 900 rides miniscule compared to your 2000 rides!

As I approach 1000 rides I was the recipient of a GREAT use of social media. One of my favorite instructors, the amazing-attorney-turned-instructor-uber marathon runner-elite athlete-ROBIN ARZON sent me a customized 15 second video. It was so cool . . .I replayed and replayed it, put it on social media, carried around my phone to show it to anyone who would give me 15 seconds!

How can you make a customized brief video to make someone’s day, honor a person, accomplishment or event? #peloton #@robinNYC

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